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Welcome to the Gurdjieff Foundation of Florida

Welcome to the home of the Gurdjieff Foundation of Florida. Reflecting South Florida’s cultural roots, we hold ongoing activities in both English and Spanish.

Who are you?
Why are you here?
What profound potential lies within you?

The teachings of Gurdjieff serve as a path to self-discovery, inviting individuals to engage with these inquiries while fostering a supportive community of fellow seekers. The Gurdjieff Foundation of Florida is a conglomerate of Groups working together towards the goal of self realization within what is widely known as The Fourth Way, the path founded by G.I. Gurdjieff.

Who is G.I. Gurdjieff?

Gurdjieff introduced to the Western world a core teaching that has influenced numerous other schools of thought. His approach encompassed methods, practices, and perspectives grounded in practicality. His aim was to demonstrate to individuals of our contemporary era the potential for cultivating a holistic consciousness and a heightened sense of moral responsibility.

The Teaching

Gurdjieff’s teachings bridge personal and universal realms, merging mysticism with practicality. They address fundamental questions: uncovering true essence and averting humanity’s self-destruction. They reflect our own quests, initiating a transformative introspective journey. Pragmatic, they blend ancient wisdom with modern methods, offering an innovative, timeless approach.

The Work in Various Expressions

Gurdjieff proposed a comprehensive system of ideas and methods, including self-observation, group work, solitude, movement exercises, sacred dances, and music, aiming to develop all aspects of human beings within spiritual traditions and modern science.

Practical Work

We rely on one another. Embracing the timeless wisdom of self-discovery entails understanding both ourselves and those around us. Within each of us lie potentialities deeply connected to our core. Yet, our internal barriers are most effectively examined and dismantled through collaborative efforts, where listening and mutual understanding prevail. As Gurdjieff aptly stated, “One cannot attain mastery of oneself by confining oneself within the confines of solitude.”


Throughout his journeys across the Near East and Central Asia, Gurdjieff bore witness to a variety of dance forms, from temple rituals to Sufi brotherhood performances and even dances in secluded Christian communities. Observing the profound integration of body, mind, and emotion in these dances, he recognized their capacity to facilitate and invigorate practices of attentiveness, presence, and self-realization. Leveraging his innate talent for choreography, Gurdjieff seamlessly incorporated these movements into the fabric of his teachings, establishing them as an indispensable component of the Gurdjieff tradition.


During the 1920s, Gurdjieff formed a collaboration with the highly skilled Russian composer Thomas de Hartmann. Their initial objective was to craft music that would complement the Movements, and later, they expanded their focus to create compositions intended solely for listening. The outcome was an exceptional repertoire, now accessible through recorded performances and printed scores. This music possesses a profound resonance with the human spirit, evoking its mysteries, potentialities, and existential inquiries.
"Awakening is possible only for those who seek it and want it, for those who are ready to struggle with themselves and work on themselves for a very long time and very persistently in order to attain it."
“Man’s possibilities are very great. You cannot conceive even a shadow of what man is capable of attaining. But nothing can be attained in sleep.”
“Awakening begins when a man realizes that he is going nowhere and does not know where to go.”


Contact the Gurdjieff Foundation of Florida

Group Locations

English: Hollywood, FL
Spanish: Hollywood, FL y Doral, FL

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Tapestry by Kiu-Pa