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I follow the instructions of the Movement’s Teacher

The rhythmic notes of the piano penetrate my presence

I become acutely aware of my incapacity

Interestingly, the seed of a limitless potential is at the same time planted in me

An unrelenting thirst for experiencing is born

Each movement

If I am willing to absorb it

demands my full attention

but a different type of attention than I am used to in my normal life

A judgement of myself surfaces, what would the others think of me?

What would the teacher think of me? I am not good at this. This is impossible

After a number of erroneous and inaccurate repetitions

Aided by the teacher, by my fellow practitioners,

and by the music in all it’s beauty, intensity, and precision

I am freer

Tensions relax, at the proper place, and at the proper time

the movement becomes a reality inside of me

not only in me, in the whole class as well

All in unison, we almost have a glimpse

we sustained it, but not for long

The next time perhaps

And we return

and come back

and return

and come back

to ourselves


in the Movement’s Class

5 - movements 1

Contact the Gurdjieff Foundation of Florida

Contact us for an introductory conversation. Once we receive your information we will contact you to schedule an in person meeting.

Group Locations

English: Hollywood, FL
Spanish: Hollywood, FL y Doral, FL

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